Dijkstra’s Algorithm to find the shortest path using PHP & SQL

This code includes all the following functionalities you need to create a single page for find the route:

  • It connects to the MySQL database and retrieves node and edge data.
  • It calculates the shortest path between a specified start and end node using Dijkstra’s algorithm.
  • It prints the shortest distance and the nodes in the shortest path.

Yo need to replace ‘your_host’, ‘your_username’, ‘your_password’, ‘your_database’, ‘Start Node’, and ‘End Node’ with your actual database and node names.


// Database connection details
$host = 'your_host';
$username = 'your_username';
$password = 'your_password';
$database = 'your_database';

// Create a database connection
$conn = new mysqli($host, $username, $password, $database);

// Check the connection
if ($conn->connect_error) {
    die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);

// Define the graph array
$graph = array();

// Fetch nodes from the 'nodes' table
$nodesQuery = "SELECT * FROM nodes";
$nodesResult = $conn->query($nodesQuery);

if (!$nodesResult) {
    die("Node query failed: " . $conn->error);

while ($row = $nodesResult->fetch_assoc()) {
    $node_id = $row['node_id'];
    $node_name = $row['node_name'];

    // Initialize the node in the graph array
    $graph[$node_name] = array();

// Fetch edges from the 'edges' table
$edgesQuery = "SELECT * FROM edges";
$edgesResult = $conn->query($edgesQuery);

if (!$edgesResult) {
    die("Edge query failed: " . $conn->error);

while ($row1 = $edgesResult->fetch_assoc()) {
    $from_node = $row1['from_node'];
    $to_node = $row1['to_node'];
    $distance = $row1['distance'];

    // Add the edge to the graph array
    $graph[$from_node][$to_node] = $distance;

// Close the database connection

function dijkstra($graph, $startNode, $endNode) {
    $infinity = PHP_INT_MAX;
    $distances = array();
    $unvisitedNodes = $graph;
    $path = array();

    foreach ($unvisitedNodes as $node => $value) {
        $distances[$node] = $infinity;

    $distances[$startNode] = 0;

    while (count($unvisitedNodes) > 0) {
        $minNode = null;

        foreach ($unvisitedNodes as $node => $value) {
            if ($minNode === null || $distances[$node] < $distances[$minNode]) {
                $minNode = $node;

        foreach ($graph[$minNode] as $neighbor => $value) {
            $alt = $distances[$minNode] + $graph[$minNode][$neighbor];
            if ($alt < $distances[$neighbor]) {
                $distances[$neighbor] = $alt;
                $path[$neighbor] = $minNode;


    // Trace the path from startNode to endNode
    $shortestPath = array();
    $currentNode = $endNode;

    while (isset($path[$currentNode])) {
        array_unshift($shortestPath, $currentNode);
        $currentNode = $path[$currentNode];

    array_unshift($shortestPath, $startNode);

    return array(
        'distances' => $distances,
        'path' => $path,
        'shortest_path' => $shortestPath,

// Define the start and end nodes
$startNode = 'Start Node'; // Replace with the actual start node name
$endNode = 'End Node';     // Replace with the actual end node name

// Calculate the shortest path
$result = dijkstra($graph, $startNode, $endNode);

// Print the shortest path
echo "Shortest distance from $startNode to $endNode: " . $result['distances'][$endNode] . "<br>";
echo "Shortest path: " . implode(" -> ", $result['shortest_path']);

Suresh Chowhan
Suresh Chowhan

Suresh is from Delhi, India and the founder of YoGrade.com and YoMetro.com. He is into the field of SEO and digital marketing since 2005. He helped to shine in organic search to the big brands like MakeMyTrip, MonsterIndia, TimesofIndia, ikman, Bikroy & more.

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